9.2 Raiding/Mythic Signup



For those of you brave dudes still enjoying WoW’s content, Patch 9.2 is releasing February 22 and Yit requests any looking to raid and/or do Mythic dungeons to signup!


Raiding Signup Sheet

Knights Who Say Ni (and friends) Raid Sign-up 9.2 is coming soon and it’s time to decide on what we want to play in the next raid tier! Please read the rules and guidelines, and choose a character/role that you want to play, rather than what you think we’ll need.


Mythic+ Signup Sheet

Due to the inexplicably increased level of interest in the mythic plus dungeon system, here is a sign up sheet to determine the best days and times (central time) for availability. Please indicate *all* of the days and timeframes that you would possibly be available, along with the roles you can play.


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